
Tuesday 7 June 2011

Healthy Cows are Happy Cows!

Keeping cows and calves healthy is an important part of farming. With healthy animals the more milk, bigger the heifers and less stress on the farmer. Keeping cows healthy isn't just about giving them a shot of medicine. Health comes from a proper nutrition, vaccinations, and having a good clean dry and well ventilated housing. One way to tell is an animal is sick is to take her temperature, respiration rate and heart rate. Respiration rate refers how many times the animal takes a breath every minute. The ideal the ideal range for a heifer or cow for temperature, respiration rate and heart is:

A happy farmer and a happy calf!

Temperature: 38.6 C
Respiration rate: 30 breaths per minute
Heart: 50 beats per minute

So keeping cows, heifers, calves healthy will show on how they eat, how much milk they give, how much they grow, and if they have healthy calves when calving. Health is an important part and can't be forgotten about.

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